An Evergreen Step-By-Step Guide To An Effective SEO Strategy

A search engine optimization SEO strategy (also known as the search engine optimization “SEO” approach”)

is the process of planning and implementing step-by-step guides designed to improve the organic search

engine rankings of a website.

In layman’s terms, an SEO strategy is a process that you follow when you want to get more organic/free

traffic to your web page.

In today’s world, to achieve your business goals, it’s important to lay out an easy-to-follow,

achievable roadmap for your business. In short, you need to create an effective SEO strategy.

An effective SEO strategy must help you answer these questions: 

  • Where are you right now?
  • Where do you need to be?
  • How are you going to get there?

When it comes to creating an effective SEO strategy, it will be best to have an expert guide to follow,

a form of expert strategy that will hold you by the hands and tell you how and when to act.

Below you will find a step-by-step SEO guide put together by Retink.

Step 1: Rate Your Current SEO Performance

If you don’t know how your website is performing currently, it will be next to impossible to string

together any plan to take your website to the next level.

Your strategy development must begin by rating your current performance so you can improve

your SEO performance across:

  • Organic visibility
  • Keyword rankings
  • Branded vs. non-branded traffic split.

There are tools you can use for this purpose, such as Semrush Organic Research Tool, which can

gather the insights you’ll be using to build your strategy.

Step 2: Create a List of Keywords

Keyword research is an essential step of any effective SEO strategy and one of the best ways to

find keywords that your target customers search for.

Google Suggest.

For example, start typing a keyword into Google’s search field, and it will populate a list of suggestions as seen below:

Keywords gotten from the approach are usually good and great because they come directly from

google and show that people are actively searching for them. As you might have known there are

two types of keywords, short tail keywords, and long tail keywords. Long tail keywords and much

less competitive than short tail keywords.

Even if long tails keywords have relatively low search volume levels, they’re much easier to rank for.

It is recommended that you keep typing a few different keywords into Google until you have a list of

about 10 different keywords.

Step 3: Analyze Google’s First Page(i.e Competitor SEO Strategies).

As good as it is to rate your own SEO performance, as a smart marketer researching your competitor

and their approach can save you a lot along the line. You do that by typing one of the keywords that

you found above into Google and noting down whatever pattern you noticed so it can guide you when

you want to post on your own website.

Step 4: Write High-Quality Content

When it comes to SEO content, you’ve got just two options:

Option 1: You can create something unique.

Option 2: You can create something entirely better

The important thing here is to use your marketing savvy and content writing sense and create

engaging content that is valuable to your target market. Valuable content includes content that

answers the questions that your buyers have, provides them with insights they can use, and educates

them so they can be better at what they do. To do this consistently you need expert hands and that is

where RETINK comes in.

Step 5: Set Your Goals and Key Performance Indexes (KPIs).

Setting goals and KPIs is another important aspect of creating an effective SEO strategy. You need

to have a pretty good idea of where you want to end up so that you’re able to put in place an

actionable plan to get there. Also, you should be able to measure your success and know when

you’ve achieved your goals (as well as track your progress against these and know when it’s time to pivot).

It is essential to know that goals and KPIs are different as seen below:

  • Goals = The end outcome that you want to achieve 
  • KPIs = Metrics that demonstrate progress towards your goals

While these are often used interchangeably in SEO, you must set out for both of them during your

strategy creation phase.

Step 6: Improve User Experience

Great user experience ‘’UI’’ is beyond writing good content, good user experience has come to the

forefront of what is needed for strong SEO rankings. According to Robert Berris in his blog

Three UX Principles That Help Your Website Do Its Job Right.  Google has evolved and they are

placing a higher emphasis on websites that deliver quality user experiences across multiple

platforms and devices. Though traditional ranking factors are still very much important, search

engine optimization is increasingly becoming user optimization. So use great graphics, animations,

and memes where necessary to improve users’ experience of your website.

Step 7: Hire An Expert

Although, basic SEO is mostly common sense. However, it is wise to hire an expert like RETINK to help

you write content that is fully optimized at a very small budget so as to ensure your website is truly SEO ready.

An expert like RETINK can audit your site and look at how it is performing against your most important

keywords and also provide content that fits with it.

If you follow the steps analyzed above you don’t need to be an SEO wiz to position your website for free/organic traffic from google.

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